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Please provide blog post content.Please provide blog post content.Please provide blog post content.You can also refer to this article for help: https://www.techxplore.com/articles/2017-08-19-how-blogging-can-help-you-attract-customers

http://www.writingcenternyc.org/blog_posts/?p=95#p95 https://www.authorsmarketinginstitute. com/tipsforauthors.aspx?a=2863&g=0Works cited From Authors to Readers: How Blogs Can Increase Book Saleshttp://www.bloggingpro.com/blogs/increasing-book-sales-3rdparty-affiliates-discounts-contests#.W4yCwsugJmQ

Kellogg, Caryn. "How Blogging Can Help You Attract Customers." Business 2 Community 14 Jan. 2011, business2community.com/marketing/how-blogging-can-help-you-attract-customers_6192101?pg=3#commentsblock .

Kellogg, Caryn. "How Blogging Can Help You Attract Customers." Business 2 Community 14 Jan. 2011, business2community.com/marketing/how-blogging-can-help-you-attract-customers_6192101?pg=3#commentsblock .

Mehta, Sonia. "How to Get Blogging Tips for Book Publishing." Book Marketing Tools - Articles for Authors and Publishers 20 Feb. 2015, www.bookmarketingtools.com/blogging/books/ howto_get_book_blogging_tips

Mehta, Sonia. "How to Get Blogging Tips for Book Publishing. "Book Marketing Tools - Articles for Authors and Publishers 20 Feb. 2015, www.bookmarketingtools.com/blogging/books/ http://www.techxplore.com/articles/2017-08-19-how-blogging-can-help-you-attract-customers

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